Whose Duty is it anyway?
The world is becoming smaller and businesses larger. Duty of Care has always been on our radar but is often implied and while it feels sort of, ‘on the agenda’ it can be fairly low-priority.
But as businesses become larger, so do their obligations to make sure people understand their roles within the business.
The original starter/welcome pack, was probably a list of extension numbers of key people, the fire muster point and a pencil if you were lucky.
These days, if guiding people down the myriad path of Health and Safety (H&S) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) wasn’t enough, Fraud, Identity Theft and Compliance add a minefield of information.
In the ‘good old days’ it would’ve been a job for the old dude, put out to pasture but not quite there yet, to pay a bit of lip service to it and promote from within, to anyone who would listen. These days is a sophisticated part of the marketing mix and mission critical communications for every business.
These communications, that are used to welcome new starters and to guide them down the ‘right company path’ are innovative, interesting and informative. They frequently extend to people outside of the business but, who work with the business, spreading the messages virally.
They are great fun to work on and they are a fantastic meter to judge a company by.
There are a few specialist companies out there but they tend to be a bit formulaic.
If you want to push a single agenda like ‘Life-saving rules for employees’ or ‘how to use social media responsibly’ or you want to build a complete system for your business that accurately reflects your requirements, and is tailored to your mission goals and communicates with your people in the right tone of voice….
rtfacts can help.
For a conversation please call 01442 266 590 or eMail design@rtfacts.co.uk