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What are you watching?

02 February, 2021

The Good Fight is back and it’s always been a family favourite.

Last series the title sequence was everyday office equipment exploding into millions of slo-mo fragments and it seemed to work brilliantly with the chaotic nature of the struggles of this New York Law firm. This new season intro is a montage of animals, all integrating and almost as bizarre as the intermittent music/cartoon wanna-be ‘School House Rock’ skits, that I’m still thinking the jury is out on – well it is in our house?

If you’re a fan, I have no doubt it will be the catalyst for many a conversation so fair play to the producers, who could want anything more from an element of communication that many have the option to skip over and might never see.
AND, Good that knowing this, they still go through the ‘bother’ to bother. The program is as fanciful as it is frighteningly close to the truth and unusual that a US show is so ready to be brave and open a *portal to storytelling that boldly tackles ripped-from-the-headlines subjects like Melania impersonators, the pee tape and the death of Jeffrey Epstein in ways that few shows have dared.

Having many successful years under the show’s belt (The Good Wife was made by the same team), I suspect success makes you Brave and trouble and strife and worry about the World falling apart give the writers plenty to write about.

So what have we learned from all this? Be a fan, be brave, be bothered, be successful (or work with an established business like rtfacts that have 30 years of confidence), be prepared and remember, the woes of the world are often a world of opportunity for many people and their businesses. *LA Times

Head Honcho, Messiah, Guru, One of the team.
Worn out the T shirt sums up Mr P. We have never presented a problem or opportunity to his team that they haven’t fixed or remedied to our absolute satisfaction. No job too big or small and always with a great big smile. Highly recommended. TV. Head of Marketing