The Power of Postcards
Direct mail has always been an integral part of the marketing mix, but the simple postcard is often overlooked.
When followed up with a bit of telemarketing the results can be quite dramatic and these days, a well-crafted postcard doesn’t land on your desk every day, so it’s something of a novelty!
Here are some reasons we think your business should consider an rtfacts produced postcard campaign:
1. There is so little room on a postcard for puff, it allows our creative writers to really get to the point. There is no room for more than the headline or elevator pitch* and a call to action. If it’s funny, interesting relevant, or personal its likely to be remembered and if it’s remembered, when we call the chances of an appointment are much, much higher.
2. In these days of internet security and spyware and data protection it’s refreshing we are confident enough in our message and our offer to allow anyone that sees the post card, to read it en-route.
3. We can print 4 postcards up together at the same time which is economical and turns a one off Direct mail piece into a ‘campaign’.
It’s possible to make each postcard personalised to each recipient.
We need do no more than add the postage and send, so no complicated wrapping or costly and possible irresponsible packaging or envelopes.
And don’t forget – Posting a postcard is as cheap as it gets!
4. Cost isn’t always an issue, ROI, Impact, OTS, brand awareness, all play a part but nature of the beast makes designing and printing postcards cheaper than most other forms of DM.
5. We have used postcards to verify a mailing list prior to a large campaign. We’ve had great fun with ‘Are you properly addressed’?
And had fun data cleaning an old mailing list.
6. As part of an integrated campaign with social media, web landing pages, advertising and PoS, posters etc.
Postcards can create enormous impact.

*Watch this space for Elevator Pitch blog