Security on mobiles and tablets is the next pain in the arse
Security on mobiles and tablets is the next pain in the arse
02 February, 2021
We are so trusting!
Having watched this I am rethinking how I operate, particularly when I’m travelling and with mobile data such a minefield outside of Europe, (god only knows what Brexit will have to offer us after a resolution), if our wonderful Politicians can put their differences behind them and put the interests of the Country and the public first for a change! (Rant Over)!
Think twice before you sign in to ANY unknown source and get some security on your mobile devices for
F-Secure sake!
Head Honcho, Messiah, Guru, One of the team.
Worn out the T shirt sums up Mr P. We have never presented a problem or opportunity to his team that they haven’t fixed or remedied to our absolute satisfaction. No job too big or small and always with a great big smile. Highly recommended. TV. Head of Marketing