Out of the bedroom and into the boardroom.
Have you always wanted your business to be a big business but can’t really see how that’s going to happen?
Join our happy little cooperative and perhaps it might me one day?
Let me start at the beginning.
rtfacts have been many sizes in 25 years and I can assure you big definitely isn’t always better. Yes, big comes with bonuses.
More money, more exciting projects, more recognition, but it also comes with headaches.
I became an ‘HR manager’ and spent more time looking after staff issues than I did my beloved clients.
Wages have to be paid every Month and those exciting jobs can take Months to complete – and Invoice.
Big clients have clout and don’t want to part with their money, some want 90 days credit, which can mean 180 days (yes half a year REALLY!)
to get paid for that big exciting job!
Cashflow is generated in many ways but the quick turnaround ‘down and dirty’ jobs create cash quickly and often fund the big exciting jobs, we were ‘so keen’ to work on.
Every job has its value and we’ve learned to love and appreciate all work clients bring through our doors, whatever the size, value or excitement.
rtfacts have at times been full service. What I mean by that is we’ve had ALL the skills in-house to provide every part of the marketing mix from copy and concepts to planning and buying.
That’s fine when everyone is as in demand as each other, but not so much when your highly paid copywriter isn’t working for two weeks as you have nothing to write. (I’m talking pre-blogs and social media where downtime could be actively beneficial).
As the dynamics of our business have changed we have swapped the ability to make money on every element of our design for web and print processes and instead, partnered with like-minded and compatible businesses, so we have a broad product offer but no responsibility for anything other than our passion – Design for print and web.
So an rtfacts client may come to rtfacts for Design for web and print projects but can also take advantage of the world-class PPC Google experts we have on site – www.mymustard.co.uk. If you need Photography we can put your team www.intheframephotographyltd.co.uk. An Event that needs AV and all the trimmings can be managed by www.eventsfocus.co.uk and after all that you may need to relaxxxxx – www.nutmegspa.co.uk isn’t in the office but it’s a few doors down and offers a unique spa experience. If you’re looking for some serious heavyweight IT staff recruiting http://www.entasispartners.co.uk can likely help.
And if you really want some really discrete service, Just Waxing sort of says it all and is based at 109, although not a lot of people know this yet.
We have one room free Air conditioned, fibre broadband and 247/365 access for the right partner?
I’d love it to be a programmer or writer or accountant startup that wants
Out of the bedroom and into boardroom?
If you read this and think Hemel old town might be for you, or a friend get in touch. It will probably be the best call you ever make.